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The second Youth in Evaluation week 2024 took place  from 8 to 12 July 2024, building on the success of the first Youth in Evaluation week


Aligned with the UN Summit of the Future 2024, this gathering of the global evaluation community amplified dialogue on intergenerational solidarity for transformative evaluation and built momentum for enhancing meaningful youth engagement in evaluation.

The overarching theme for Youth in Evaluation week 2024 was ‘Upholding Youth in Evaluation standards’.


The events at the week explored six dimensions of the standards - leadership and accountability, practice, advocacy and capacity building, knowledge management and communication, human resources and financial resources - for advancing intergenerational partnerships in evaluation.


50 events
6 regions
10 languages

Youth in Evaluation champion awards

Career development sessions for YEEs

Social media dialogues

More than half the events led by youth

Global events

Global inauguration
& Youth in Evaluation champion awards

The global kick-off

8 July 2024 | 9 am ET 

Virtual event

X Space: How to advance a career in evaluation?

Learn from YEE professionals & senior evaluators

10 July 2024 | 10 am ET 

X space dialogue

Closing ceremony:
Amplifying voices of youth

Organized by 
EvalYouth Global Network

12 July 2024 | 9 am ET

Virtual event

Youth in Evaluation champions

Good practices by governments and academia

Organized by Evaluation Community of India and Lady Irwin College, New Delhi 

9 July 2024 | 9 am ET

Virtual event

Good practices by VOPEs and youth organizations

Organized by Mongolian Evaluation Association and EvalYouth Mongolia 

10 July 2024 | 9 am ET

Virtual event

Good practices by international organizations and the private sector

Organized by ar-mel, a think tank from Benin

11 July 2024 | 9 am ET

Virtual event

Global events


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